Monday, 30 September 2013

Tau Devilfish

Hello 40k lunatics,

Here's a sneak peek of my Tau Devilfish. I've been working on it the past couple of weeks. It still needs some finalizing touches. While waiting the glue to dry on the flybases, I managed to put together my next patch of Tau, which is a unit of Kroot carnivores!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Riptide finished

After two weeks of painting (couple of hours almost each night), I managed to finish this beast. I have to say this model is my favorite of GW range. The price is decent and it's really a joy to put together and paint. It's pretty easy to make it look really good on the tabletop. Oh, and the main weapon is magnetized should I ever want to switch.
On my hobby table I have now a Devilfish which is coming up nicely. The unopened pile o' boxes still look a bit depressing on the table, but I have my hopes up that I should be able to finish them all in time.